Know Exactly What to Think, What to Do, & What to Say When You Hear "I'm Not In Love With You Anymore"
Know Exactly What to Think, What to Do, & What to Say When You Hear "I'm Not In Love With You Anymore"
Hey brother
You may be here for a number of reasons…
Maybe your wife has grown distant and told you that she “needs space.”
Or seemingly out of the blue she declares, “This just isn’t working…”
Perhaps you’ve heard the all too common, “I love you, but I’m not IN love with you.”
Or she’s already dropped the Divorce Bomb on you…
It’s like a punch to the gut you never saw coming. You feel blindsided – like the rug has suddenly been pulled out from under you.
And you don’t understand why it’s happening, what went wrong, who’s to blame or what to think, do and say next.

Do any of these: questions sound familiar?
- How can a woman just "fall out of love?"
- What am I supposed to do next without looking desperate?
- Why is she so cold and distant and taking this so well?
- What can I say to convince her that I'm committed to fixing things?
- How can I sleep when all I can think about is only seeing my kids part time?
- Who the hell is she texting or talking to on Facebook?
- How do I deal with the fear of losing everything?
If you’ve been asking yourself these things, then you are in the right place.
The Fact is, Women initiate 75% of all divorces and nearly 100% of the husbands are totally caught off guard.

Here are just a few success stories...
My wife and I have been married 13 years. I went from a wife who in June 2022 was exchanging hundreds of texts a day with an ex-boyfriend (just friends of course) Here’s how things have changed:
She has gone from one who decided she still loved me but wanted to separate in July, to one who decided she wants to stay together “for the kids” in August, to one who now wants to start marriage counseling so we can be friends and lovers again.
I still struggle with feeling needy sometimes, but am more confident now than I was in 13 previous years. I know that I am fine by myself, but still love my wife and am growing more compassionate and giving of myself without resentment every day.
It’s a process, but I can honestly say without this course I’m very sure my marriage would be over. I wish I knew these things years and years ago.
Mike C
I have found it incredibly helpful and I am astonished how accurate you are with my own situation. Steve and Tim have made me feel that I am not alone going through this and the support has been invaluable. I am excited about being a stronger more confident man. I’m only at the beginning of my new journey but I already feel more confident and free.
Chris A
Just wanted to say a big thank you to Steve and Tim, you really provide an excellent service, it’s fantastic when you get clarity and your system provides the support and guidance to keep me focused and on track – it’s sooo easy to go astray which is not a great place LOL!
John W
My wife and I were living in separate rooms for 3 years (no intimacy) our rings were off for about 4 months. A month after I took this course, she decided to put her ring on one day without telling me, so I just put mine back on, a few months later we are now reconciled, happy and back in our room together with lots of intimacy. Keep sticking to the rules and work on yourself brother. All the sudden things can change.
Todd S
Happy thanksgiving! I am eternally grateful for the new outlook on life, and my family together for thanksgiving. I forever owe you for opening my eyes back up to the world.
John E
Thank you Steve and Tim for creating this online group, and your program. I was skeptical at first, this is the third program I invested in and the only one that truly keeps me in check. The support we get from you Steve, Tim, and this online group to me is invaluable. I know I’ll be going over the program many many more times, and I’m a long way from where I want to be. But to know you guys are always here, sharing, responding, and listening, well I guess you guys are right, it takes other great men helping that makes a difference.
P. L
I joined the divorce bomb course, watched all the videos in that as well as what you have on YouTube. I was a great man AND a good guy, and that is why my wife married me and things went well. Due to some extraordinary circumstances I lost my way and stayed a good guy but stopped being a great man – hell, for a time I was barely a man at all. I’ve gone through the course and read your book cover to cover at least 10 times this last week – burning these concepts into my brain. Thank you! I don’t know what the future holds for my marriage, but I am back on the path to an authentic me, and that is what really matters when it is all said and done.
Scott M
In our individual coaching practices, we have helped countless men become strong, confident, and focused after being crushed by the Divorce Bomb.
Now, we have taken the same powerful tools and techniques that worked for our own clients and put them directly into this course for you.
Okay, we're gonna brag here a little.
There is no other course on the Internet like this. In fact, there’s no other course like this period.
No, really.
If you follow even HALF of the training and steps in this course, you will be amazed at how you can handle your current marriage crisis as a calm, confident, compassionate man that she will love and respect.
Module One
Handling “D-Day” and What You Must Do Now
- How to stop the horror movies in your head (yes, we know all about it)
- Deal with her ice cold attitude while you're freaking out
- How to handle your fearful thoughts, anger, depression, and anxiety
- What you must STOP doing right now and START doing instead
Take a Sneak Peek at Module One:
- Finally relax and create more attraction
- Quiet your nervous, needy energy so you can stop driving her away
- How to feel more confident and stop reacting to every little thing she does
Module Two
How to Re-Build Trust and Attraction
Bickering and arguing KILL intimacy! In fact, research has proved that criticism, stonewalling and defensive reactions virtually guarantee divorce. This module dives deep into WHAT is going on and WHY it happens. Most importantly we give you detailed coaching on HOW to immediately stop the madness and start reversing the direction and build more trust and attraction in the process.
- Why you argue about stupid shit and how to stop it cold
- How to confront the sex issue and why arguing about it is making things worse
- How to stop trying to be right and start being more effective when you speak to her
- How to dance with the drama and be a sexier man in the process
Take a Sneak Peek at Module Two:
- The four marriage killers you must stop immediately
- Stinkin' thinkin': how to stop the flow of negativity and start creating more connection
- How to become almost cocky in the face of conflict (in a really good way)
- The secret about why she isn't even trying and why that's okay... for now
Module Three
Creating the Relationship You REALLY Want
What do you want? It’s a simple but complex question that men have trouble answering clearly, confidently and concisely. And when you don’t know what you want you can’t describe it clearly or even ask for it. In this module we’ll help you get clear about what you want and understand what WOMEN secretly want. We are unapologetically direct about the growing sexual frustration you’re feeling and how to effectively deal with rejection and the resentment it creates.
- How to amp up your mojo and be crystal clear about what you really want
- How to speak boldly about the life you want and expect for yourself
- What women want and why you must understand her perspective!
- How to deal with sexual tension and rejection like James Bond
Take a Sneak Peek at Module Three:
- Outcome independence: the secret sauce and your ultimate super power
- Becoming a cool, clear, unapologetic man (and why women find that so attractive)
- Embrace your confident "inner lion" even in the face of her anger
Module Four
Man With a Plan: Getting Clear, Calm and Confident About Your Future
If you’ve been feeling STUCK IN LIMBO this module is for you. We will have you navigate to a whole new mindset where you begin to feel excited about your future. You must have a plan and you MUST understand your options for creating what you want – no matter what she decides to do. We help you face your fear of the unknown and give you inspiring tools to fill your sails with more confidence and clarity than ever before.
- Create a vision of your life that makes you cry (a good kind of cry)
- How to stay strong and focused (even when you're in "limbo land" with her)
- Why you must be the captain of your own ship and how to navigate toward a better place
- How to feel calm and confident in charting an amazing course and inviting her into your boat
Take a Sneak Peek at Module Four:
- The promise you must make to matter what happens!
- Learn the mantra that will carrying you through this challenging time
- Embrace your confident "inner lion" even in the face of her anger
Of equal importance to the course work is being involved in a community of men that have your back. Practicing the tools in everyday life and getting immediate feedback is essential to your growth.
SECRET Facebook Group for Men Only
In this group, you will be able to talk with other men who are going the same pain and struggle that you are going through. This is where you can post your questions and comments or just vent if you need to. We (Steve and Tim) will also be active in the group, providing support and feedback. This is just as important as the course lessons if not more!
Monthly LIVE Q & A Calls
Every month, Tim and Steve will be LIVE on a video conference call with men from all over the world, answering your questions, explaining concepts, listening to your stories, and sometimes just being there to say, "I get it, I've been there..."
Recordings of Every Q&A Call
Every call is recorded and available for those members who cannot attend live. As of today, there are over 38 hours of coaching with Tim Wade and Steve Horsmon answering questions from the men in our community and coaching on various topics.
"Live Tribe" Call Recordings
Top-notch leaders and men's coaches such as Jeff Allen & Cynthia Kruse, Dan Dore and Dr. Alexis Shepperd, Shana James, Neal Greenspan, Dennis Collins, bring you over 54 hours of teaching, insights, coaching, and mentoring.
Deeper Dive Videos:

"Not Suitable for WIFE" Videos
We guarantee that these companion piece videos for each module are unlike anything you will see anywhere else. They are completely unvarnished, edgy straight talk about the most sensitive situations you may be facing. We don’t pull any punches when it comes to things like:
- How to get out of "Limboland"
- How to stop letting her call all the shots
- Not becoming a "2nd class citizen" in your own house
- Why it is critical that you do not settle and play small right now
- What to do when another woman says, "OMG, you're an amazing man!"
- The cold, hard, truth about handling her cheating ways like a strong, confident man

Special "Just in Time" Lessons:
Cheating Cheaters and Lying Liars!
Some of you may want to skip right to this lesson because this one issue has overtaken every other thing in your life. We know that it is devastating to find out that she is having an affair (of any kind). In this video we tackle the hard questions that may be plaguing you as you grapple with the awful realization that there is another guy in her life.

Father Knows Best (How to Be a Rockstar Dad During Separation and Divorce)
Being a father during this trying time is a particular challenge. On top of everything else, you have children who are looking to you for guidance and support. Learn what to do and not do in order to help your kids cope and even thrive.

My Buddy Booze and His Pal Pot
Let’s face it, no matter how “amicable” your separation is, divorce sucks. The temptation to numb out by getting drunk or high is huge (and understandable!) Find out why you may want to avoid these two “friends” for a while.

Download of Steve Horsmon's Best Selling Book for FREE
Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband: How To Become A Masculine, Confident Man Who Can Fix His Marriage Without Looking Like A Controlling A**hole is unlike any book you’ve ever read and a perfect companion piece to this course.
“I couldn’t pass the opportunity to recommend a book that has literally changed my marriage and life. This book could be 10 times as expensive and still be a steal. Steve speaks so truthfully and directly to the problem that most men are too afraid to admit. When I realized that it was my choice whether or not I took control of my life, my marriage, and my job, everything changed and I have not looked back once. This book helped me survive an affair, renew a marriage, and find myself. I cannot recommend it enough. Thank you Steve.” -Graham P
Deep, dark and...funny
- We will take a deep dive into the psychological and behavioral challenges you're going through
- We won't shy away from the vulnerable part of the real pain you're going through and how to deal with the "dark" uncomfortable feelings
- And perhaps most importantly, we help you see the "humorous" side of the whole situation (there really is one, trust us)
We’ve been in your shoes and we know why lots of (irreverent) humor, a loving brotherhood and unapologetic optimism about your options is KEY to your thriving in the future.
We know that in order to stop the emotional free fall you are in, you must:
“I purchased the How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb course because I was experiencing fear and anxiety that my marriage was going to be over and wanted to find a way to save it .
These are the results I’m seeing now in myself and my marriage: she is willing to spend more time with me, I am more confident in who I am and where this path will take me and I believe I will endure this part of life and come out a better man.
In the course I learned that I am going to be ok regardless of the outcome of my marriage and I learned to to relax and be the man I want to be which allowed me to see a path that will lead to a better life for me, my kids and hopefully my marriage. I learned that there are things out of my control and there is nothing I can do about them. Letting go of those this will allow me to be more empathetic and understanding.
I am now able to understand that is not all about me and that I can only control my responses to my wife actions and decisions.”
Chris L.
I want you to know you saved my life… even if I couldn’t save my marriage. I’m about 99% my old self. Feels great! Can’t thank you enough! It all works. You just have to trust the system, have faith and put your plan together. I now have both men and women asking MY advice. They want to know HOW I’ve gotten to this place. Awesome powerful stuff. “
Bruce S
“I am beginning to feel more confident that I will be better than just okay after all this. No matter what happens. Thanks to both of you for creating this course. It is full of so much real truth and wisdom that I just keep finding myself nodding my head in agreement, and laughing a bit.”
Matt C
Your Biggest Challenge Is Knowing Exactly What to Do Next
How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb is not based on theoretical ideas or concepts. It is full of practical, time-tested, doable steps and practices that WILL move the dial for you.
The lessons in this course are designed to help you reduce your pressure on her and give you both breathing room to think and respond instead of just reacting. This will immediately make you feel more confident and start to rebuild trust with her that the changes your are making are real.

The nervous and needy behaviors that are making things worse.

Being a calm and confident man who knows who he is, what he wants, and where he's going.

We want to make the investment in this program a no-brainer.
Why? Because we know that the longer you wait, the worse things will get. We know that you will most likely make all the same mistakes we did (and probably already have!) And we know from the hundreds and hundreds of men who have told us, “I wish I had learned all of this a year ago!” that there is no time to spare.
So we want to get you what you need right NOW – without breaking the bank.
You get all of the Training, Teaching, Coaching, and No-Holds-Barred Straight Talk PLUS all the Bonuses, the Private Facebook Group, Monthly LIVE Q&A Sessions, and Regular LIVE Training Calls with the best men’s coaches in the business, all for:
A one-time investment of $497 for a lifetime membership! OR 3 payments of $165

We know that the lessons, skills, and support in this course and community are worth a lot more than 500 bucks.
But we want YOU to be sure.
We know that this is an urgent situation for many of you and you could have used this help last week, last month, even last year!
So we are going to give you some immediate results right now, at NO COST.
CLICK BELOW and we’ll give you a 3-day FREE PREVIEW of the first three impactful lessons — No credit card, no obligation!
Try it out for free and if you want more, you’ll have the opportunity to immediately get the rest of the program and join the men’s support community.
Our NO B.S. 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
We want you to be completely at ease in making the decision to invest in this program.
So here’s our NO Bullshit guarantee: If you decide to join our program (after your FREE 7-day trial) you are not satisfied for any reason with what you have learned and experienced in the course, please drop us an email at [email protected] letting us know within 30 DAYS of your purchase and we will give you a complete refund. That’s right, take a full MONTH to go through the course and decide if it helped you.
If the answer is “no way”, then we’ll give you a full refund right on the spot. No questions asked. That’s our promise.
How can we make this promise? Because we know…
Why Should You Listen To Us?

STEVE HORSMON (according to Tim):
Tim says, “If you already know Steve Horsmon, then count yourself fortunate. If not, then this is your chance to work with a man who will blow your mind and your socks off at the same time.
Steve used to be a Good Guy who tried to please everyone in his life (except himself of course). Today he is a Great Man who teaches other Good Guys who struggle in their relationships with women to become the confident men that their partners crave. From his years of experience as a coach, he knows how women think and the many traps that men fall into.
When it comes to telling it like it is, Steve is a straight shooter with a heart of gold. You’ll never meet a more honest, openhearted man and he generously shares his strength and knowledge with men from around the world.
His genius lies in his intuitive ability to know exactly how to handle relationship situations that baffle so many of us and then communicate those solutions in a no-nonsense way that makes everything crystal clear.
Bottom line: I’m honored to call Steve both friend and colleague as he is one-of-a-kind at being both.”

TIM WADE (according to Steve):
Tim Wade is a Speaker, Writer, and Coach who helps “nice guys” reignite their natural mojo and step into healthy masculine power without becoming insensitive jerk-holes. Tim has been working as an empowerment coach since 2010 and brings 25 years of experience in personal growth and transformation during which he trained with Landmark Education, The Pathways Institute, Insight Seminars, and many others.
Along with Tim’s professional training, his personal track record of long-term marriage, separation, divorce, and then happily divorced man gives him an almost endless supply of personal experience when it comes to creating a life that you love and thriving no matter what.
Here’s the straight talk from Steve: Tim is a man just like the you and me. He’s incredibly smart, inquisitive, insightful, wise and just as fucked up as the rest of us. It’s from that authentic, humble place where his generosity and brilliance shine.
Tim is a close friend and confidant who I trust without question and I invite you to do the same. When it comes to a model of a man who never stops learning, trying, striving, loving, inquiring and improving… Tim’s on my A-list of people I choose in my life. Throughout this course I think you’ll find out why you’ll want him on your list too.”

“My circumstances (i.e., wife told me that she wants to separate) was the catalyst that sparked my interest that what I have been doing has not been working and that I could learn a lot from Steve and Tim’s course and from the other men that would be part of the course as well.
Steve and Tim gently set the tone from the beginning. They made it clear that this course would be about improving ourselves as men, and not about bashing our wives. I think every guy can benefit from this course whether married or separated, living with your wife, or not.
You must commit to yourself and put in the work. It feels great to post questions, comments, or concerns in the Facebook group and receive advice and support from men who have been there or are currently working on improving themselves and their relationships.”
Alan M
By The Way...
This course is specifically designed for men. The content, the style, the language and even the sense of humor were all done with men in mind. (Specifically men much like us.)
That Being Said...
This is NOT a woman bashing club. We love women. We respect women. Our goal is to teach you how to be the kind of man that that women call “amazing.”
NOTE: Although women are welcome to purchase this course, the secret Facebook group and LIVE Q&A are for MEN ONLY and we maintain these as completely confidential “safe spaces” where men can openly share with other evolving men.

Here's Everything You Get in the FULL COURSE:
(Click on the module to see the lessons)
- You’re okay…You’re really going to be okay
- Why She Isn’t as Freaked Out as You Are Right Now
- How to Handle Your Fearful Thoughts, Anger, Desperation and Anxiety
- How to Relax and Start
- Responding More Attractively
- How to Feel More Confident and Detach From the “Femometer”
- Feeling More Like a Mountain Lion and Less Like a Hummingbird
- STOP THAT! and START THIS – The Things You Must Do NOW
- Deep Breath Brother: Here’s What You’ve Learned So Far
- Stop Arguing About Stupid Shit
- Arguments About Sex: Let’s Go Deeper
- How to Be a More Effective Man During Conflicts
- How to Grin in the Face of DRAMA
- The Four Most Deadly Habits You Must Stop Now
- How to Use Your Mind to Reverse Negative Feelings
- How to Respond in Ways that Build Trust and Connections
- How the Confident Man Uses Arguments to INCREASE Attraction
- STOP THAT! AND START THIS — Becoming the Man You Want to Be
- You Can Do This…Even if She Isn’t Playing
- What if You Felt Cool, Clear, Calm and Unapologetic at This Moment?
- How to Become an Amazing Mountain Lion of a Man
- How to Handle Your Fearful Thoughts, Anger, Desperation and Anxiety
- How to Get Clear on What You Want and ASK For It
- The Mojo Mindset You Need to Deal EFFECTIVELY With Sexual Tension and Rejection
- Becoming More You and More Attractive
- The #1 Promise You Must Make to Yourself: I WILL Be a Better Man
- Imagining a Life So Great It Makes You Nervous…But Excited!
- Who You Need to Be and How You to Be Even When You’re in Limbo
- Charting Your Ship’s Course (and Knowing When to Make Her Walk the Plank)
- Pushing the Edge and Moving Forward Anyway
- How to Be the Creator of Your Own Story
- NSFW: Not Suitable for WIFE Videos
- Cheating Cheaters and Lying Liars (How to Survive Her Affair)
- Father Knows Best (How to Be a Rock Star Dad During Separation and Divorce
- My Buddy Booze and His Pal Pot (Two Friends You May Need to Avoid for a While)
- FREE Copy of Steve’s Book “Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband”
- VIP Savings On Retreats & Events
- Secret Facebook Group
- Monthly LIVE Q & A Calls

- Change nothing and hope things get better…
- End your marriage now…
- Take on your life and create something new…
About 80% of men will go with option #1. Fear of divorce and confusion around what to do causes them to either bury their heads in the sand and denying that anything really serious is happening or they wait on pins and needles for their wife to make a move so they can “react.”
Another 15% will make a preemptive strike – either by having an affair or filing for divorce themselves.
Only about 5% will realize that the only thing they can change is their own behavior and mindset, so they make a decision to become a better man no matter what happens. That’s what we call the “5% Club.”

(Click on the question to see the answer)
Yes, we have you covered! You have 2 options through PayPal. First, there is a “Zero Dollars and Zero Interest for 6 Months” credit plan. Just pay it off at any time during the 6 months and you’re good.
There is also the “Pay in 4” plan that offers 4 bi-weekly payments of $125 each.
Just choose PayPal in the checkout as your payment and choose which works best for you. (You will need to create a free Paypal account if you don’t already have one.)
We get this question a lot. First of all, there are many factors that determine whether or not a couple can find their way back to a healthy, mutual, loving, respectful and intimate relationship. Nobody can promise you any certain success rate in creating the loving, healthy relationship you want. Nobody. And don’t believe anyone who tries.
Secondly, this is the wrong question. Why? Because we know for a fact you aren’t here to “save” the current version of your marriage. You want to stay married AND have more confidence, connection, intimacy and passion than you have in the last few years. As men’s coaches focused strictly on helping men become stronger, more confident husbands and leaders we can promise you something else.
There is NO POSSIBLE WAY your marriage will transform and thrive unless you become a SECURE, CALM, CONFIDENT and CLEAR HEADED MAN who knows who he is, what he really wants and where he wants to take his life. It’s the relentless and desperate focus on “saving a relationship” that ruins most relationships!
We can promise you this course is your best option in the world to achieve this because we have a solid 8 year track record in coaching men exactly like you. Our process and our philosophy are unmatched in this field.
What are the chances of you becoming a wildly happy, confident, secure, outcome independent and self-reliant man who loves himself and his life?
About 95%.
Good question. Clearing the wreckage of your particular divorce bomb may not be possible. It’s could be that your wife is so emotionally and mentally unhealthy that she’s entirely unwilling and incapable of being the partner you want in your life. It’s also possible she is so totally done and checked out that she has a brand new life planned that doesn’t include you.
And it’s possible that YOU may become so clear and confident in what you expect of yourself and for yourself that you’re the one who decides to let the bomb go off.
The bigger point is this. If your instincts tell you there is something still worth working for then you must do this work. And guess what? We know that even if your chances of saving this version of your marriage are low…you must do this work! Every single man we coach who has done this work and wound up divorced discovers something amazing. He doesn’t die! Not only that… he thrives like he never imagined.
- Imagining a Life So Great It Makes You Nervous…But Excited!
- Who You Need to Be and How You to Be Even When You’re in Limbo
- Charting Your Ship’s Course (and Knowing When to Make Her Walk the Plank)
- Pushing the Edge and Moving Forward Anyway
- How to Be the Creator of Your Own Story
We believe there is no possibility for a marriage to be healthy, mutual, loving, respectful and intimate without a strong, healthy, secure, confident and clear-headed man at the helm. Our driving philosophy is that simple because the truth is always simple.
You have to WANT to become a man who is secure and confident in his own skin before you can lead her in any direction. You have to WANT to feel grounded, calm and clear in your masculine frame before any relationship you have with a woman can thrive the way you imagine it should.
Our combination of high quality content, a community of men in the Secret Facebook group and the live Q&A calls will have a powerful and immediate effect on how YOU are showing up. This is second only to a long term, exclusive one-on-one coaching intensive with one of us.
You’re not the only guy who has stayed up late at night, sitting in the dark, secretly googling things like “How to Save Your Marriage” and “She Doesn’t Love Me Anymore.”
The only way to break out of the paralyzing fear, sadness, and anger is to get help from those who have already walked this path (and lived to tell the tale!) and to talk with other men who have your back.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the course, hearing your story, and helping you become a confident, unapologetic man.
© Mojopolis LLC 2018-2023